Thursday, June 17, 2010

Come Visit My Deck

Dorene and Bob know exactly what to do when they visit my deck!


Anonymous said...

I'm needing a break on that porch after stretching the limits of my grey matter.Oh the "planes" I'm still going ga ga over them.He must be very proud of those babies.

Montanagirl said...

At least you "can" enjoy your deck. The gnats are so fierce here that one can hardly be outside. This too shall pass . . .

Elaine said...

Your deck looks like a wonderful place to relax. It is beautiful. We are in the process of putting an addition onto our deck, but the one thing we can't add are the lovely trees you have near yours.

Eden said...

You have a beautiful deck, Connie. I would love to sit there, have a cuppa with my favourite cake.