Thursday, August 11, 2011

To Spokane for Tea

Downtown, on the edge of the business district,
we found three isolated homes.
The middle one had the address for which we were looking.

Brambleberry Cottage and Tea Shoppe

Some of us have had extensive experience in shopping
for tea items. This shoppe had very little and we did not
buy anything extra. Maybe we all sighed with relief
that we were not tempted to buy!

Carolyn, Julie, Eva who has lost 3 inches in height,
Evelyn, Leora, Lois, and Zella.
Dorene took the picture.

1 comment:

Montanagirl said...

Nice photo, and I really like how you name each person in the photos you post, right down to who took the photo! That's nice for those of us who might not know each person. I'd for sure recognize you, Evelyn, Lois and Zella!