Monday, April 9, 2012


Olympic marmots are endemic to Olympic National Park and surrounding national forest areas. They are active about four and a half months each year.  Litter sizes average about four, and about half the pups survive their first year. Young take at least 3 years to mature and disperse. 

Olympic marmots produce four types of alarm calls. They have calls that end at a higher frequency than they start--ascending calls, calls that end at a lower frequency than they start--descending calls, flat calls, and trills.

Nicholas took these photos. The sun was in the wrong place, and these little guys were way beyond the reach of my lens. However, we sure enjoyed watching them run the field and hill.


Montanagirl said...

To my knowledge, I have never seen a Marmot. Nice photos!

Eden said...

My first time to see a Marmot. The photos are beautiful. Nicholas captured them wonderfully.