Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Side Trip

While Bob, Zella, Ron, Geneva, and Leora went north to visit Mt. St. Helens and its Visitor's Center, Bob and I headed south only a few miles. Bob was guessing where he could find this old school where he attended first grade, probably in 1952. He misjudged its location by only 1 block.

In those days, this was called Pioneer, WA. Now it is near the town of LeCenter, WA. He does not have fond memories of his first grade and was glad to move on.

Just a few blocks from the old school is this barn. If you will look closely you will see what is left of Mt. St. Helens off to the right. The Bjurs lived here when Bob lived here. They attended our wedding in Spokane many years later.

1 comment:

Eden said...

It surely this place holds many memories. Great photos. And yes, i can see Mt St. Helens. I saw it few times in the tv.