Saturday, July 2, 2011

The Boat Is Loaded

This boat has sat in my front yard for over 5 years. This past year Bob has really concentrated on getting the boat ready to put into the water. All of the wood has been removed, sanded, refurbished and reattached. New carpet has been laid. A new blue strip was applied - by the master, Kevin. New bottom paint is only one to two days old.

Hours and hours of work are now behind us and Bob is ready to get it in the water. Believe me, loading a boat this size in no small project. Kendal and Bob worked fervently for several days. We brought the boat down to the church the night before our launching day.


Montanagirl said...

So, are you out boating today? It's beautiful here. Supposed to be 94...very sunny and a little breezy.Happy 4th of July to you.

Eden said...

That's a beautiful boat. We have a small aluminum boat with a capacity of 4 people only but we haven't gone boating in a long time.

Have a great week.

Hollace said...

Bon Voyage! Congratulations on completing such a big project.

The Hobbit said...

Just peeked at your family photos. How nice that you're keeping in touch.It's not always easy. Love the little singer video Too cute. And the boat,,,,,,,,hope you got it in the water after all the work!!!!