Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Ocean Play

We do this barefoot

with our pant legs rolled up;

and we shiver in the wind and cold. (Jessica, Nicole, Nicholas)

... while Dorene takes our pictures!

Jessica finds a safe spot to stand

while Dorene decides it was time to come in. Not because she and the girls were getting cold, but because Nicholas was going to get himself really wet!


The Hobbit said...

Just went on our first evening walk at the beach and don't know why we don't do it more often. Saturday is strawberry picking and the day will end with strawberry brulee. Yum

Dorene said...

This was a fabulous day!!!! I loved every moment of it...

Montanagirl said...

Nice series of photos of a fun day! Good work.

Hollace said...

Oh, I love it! I can just feel it! And I remember telling the kids to "only go up to your ankles" and they'd come out wet to their knees, saying "It was an accident"!

Eden said...

What a fun day in the beach! Beautiful pictures. Thank you for sharing.

Have a lovely weekend!